Sacred Blood Sacred Blood - O'er The Tomb (Beyond The Pillars Of Heracles)

Beyond the pillars of Heracles
Past the ocean's endless leagues
The Argonauts first named the stars
To built great halls of granite strong

And gilt them with meander-riddles!
They brought the light inside the dark
A flame was lit in far-off lands
Where woods hang wild and crawl with brutes

To guide them home on waves of the sea
To leave a mark for those who read
The ancient tongue of brothers lost
And seek to be the new Argonauts!

Star-maps they carved on mountain sides!

O'er the tomb where Atlantis dreams
Lost forever in green waters deep
Past the place struck by wrath of Gods
Greeks sail again like once so long before!

The gifts of Argo sowed a field
Through mountains, sea and land
That yielded forth a crop of Soul
And left its mark through eons long!
Where ore was mined centuries ago
From Gaia's breast by Mycenean lords
And Minoans who rode on dolphin-back
When no sea was stranger to our kin!

On our fortieth day at sea
A string of islands we did see
And farther yet we glimpsed
The Great continent's shores!