Sacred Blood Sacred Blood - Legacy Of The Lyre

Orpheus, lyre-master grand
Companion of the Argonauts
What gifts thou hast brought
To brighten our darkened lands!

Blessed music springing forth
From Argo's decks as song
Taming beasts and wilder things
The barbarians who lurked
(In the caverns) around the Black Sea

Music is the key that holds
The mystic Logos of the World
The Ether that binds Chaotic Force
And gives pulse to Hyperion's heart
Orpheus, artist of the seven strings
Can turn your soul into a star of gold!

They sing of home
And the legacy of the lyre!
The heroes left these wild shores

But there remains still intact
An echo of the lyre that sung
To dolphins, lions and to men
In the secret Orphic tongue

Music is the key that holds
The mystic Logos of the World
The melody that seeds great halls
And gives wild things their human form!
Orpheus, artist of the seven strings
Can turn your soul into a star of gold!

(With) Guitar in hand and piping flute
The beating of the tambourine
This night the Argonauts doth feast
Till morning comes to foreign skies
Let the seventh chord
Now sound the Orphic spell
Which resonates through time and space
(And lives on to this day!)

Because now, all pain and
Hardships are enough
As I have crossed the endless
Land and the cities
Teaching people of the Omens
In Egypt and in Libya alike)
(Orpheus talking)