Sacred Blood Sacred Blood - Gates of Fire


NO RETURN! No disgrace on us
H TAN H EΠI TAΣ - No more words!
Filthy trrason made, time to go grab our swords
Our last stand - We shall not withdraw, our blood shall bless this land
Death is near - their archers aiming at us - We stand with no fear

WE MARCH! into the mouth of Cerberus -- WE HEAD into Thane's kingdom
WE STAND at the shores of Acheron - WE FIGHT At the Gates of Fire
WE FACE the lord of Hades - WE FLY to Elysium Fields
WE RAISE the valor of bravery - WE FIGHT at the Gates of Fire

No remorse! The king's last spoken words
Saluted by their howls - On the wall the brave ones sand in him
Placing front their lives, Their armor shines
With their shields and spears block the Persian advance
Their last stand - As Mardonious approaches they cry out - MOΛΩN ΛABE

Xerxes sends his best elite troops Immortals into the fight
One by one falling to the ground, feeding the lake of blood
Suddenly Leonidas falls down
The Hero King tries to stand but his soul fades away
Deadly wounds by spears and arrows
His shattered body cannot stand - The Lion King flies to Elysian Fields
His death freezes the hearts of men
Around the royal corpse make their final battle stand
For honor now they must fight - lake raging lions they demand
To regain the royal sacred body
Xerxes couldn't believe his eyes, four times his powerful army advanced
And four times the mighty Immortals have returned with nothing
Spartans now counterattack - Mighty defenders of glorious Hellas
Slaughtering as many Persians they can
Gates of Fire become a living monument through time

Clear out the way, through Persian Immortals - Fight with fury on your sword
Regain royal sacred body
Clear out the way, through Persian Immortals
Fight with fury on your sword - Regain royal sacred body
Bow men from the four edges of earth - From distance they give the final end
Spartans are falling as arrows hide the sun
Gates of Fire become a living monument through time